Warm Up


5 minutes easy pace 65-70% MHR

Into: 2 Rounds
10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch
10 x Pillar to Plank
10 x Hand Release Push Ups

3 Rounds 

10 x Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press 

10 x Shoulder Internal Rotations (Elbow on Knee) 

30” Pillar to Plank  

1min rest between rounds

3 Rounds – 8 Min Cap 

  • 20 x Push Ups 
  • 20 x Single Arm Dumbbell Squat Press @15/22.5kg 
  • 10 x Box Jumps 

Rest 3 Min 

For Time – 6 Min Cap 

  • 1200m Ski/Row 
  • or 2400m Bike Erg 

Rest Remaining Time 

6 Min EMOM 

Every 2 Minutes Complete The Following 

  • 18/20 Cal Ski/Row or Bike 
  • Max Burpees In Remaining Time