Warm Up


5 minutes easy pace 65-70% MHR

Into: 2 Rounds

10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch 

10 x Pillar to Plank

10 x Hand Release Push Ups


3 Rounds

8 x Dumbbell Strict Press 

12 x Single Arm Dumbbell Behind the Neck Extension

30” Pillar to Plank 

1 Min Rest Between Rounds


12 Min AMRAP 

2 x Dumbbell Strict Press @15/22.5kg
2 x Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

  • Follow each round with 170/200m Ski/Row or 350/400 Bike 
  • Increase 2x Repetitions each round 

3 min rest

3 Rounds (for quality) 

20 x Alt V Snaps
20 x Weighted Butterfly Sit Up 
30 sec Plank