Warm up

5 Minutes Erg
1 Min Anterior Delt Smash
1 Min Tricep Smash
1 Min Lats Roll
1 Min Lower Back Roll

Into: 2 Rounds
10 x Pillar to Plank
6 x Inchworms
10 x Kb Windmills



4 Sets 

A1) 8 x Double Kb Push Press

A2) 6 x Banded Push Up (3 sec – )

A3) 40” OH Plate Hold 

60s Rest Between Rounds 


12 Minute Cap 

Every Minute Complete The Following: 

5 x Double Kb/Db Push Press 12/20Kg
4 x Burpee
+ 2 Burpees Every 2 Minutes 

3 Minutes Rest 

12 Minute Cap 

Every Minute Complete The Following:

6 x Alternating Deadball Shoulder To Overhead @12/25kg
4 x Calorie Ski/Row
+1/2 Cal Every 2 Minutes