

2 Rounds | 7 Min Cap
8 x Inchworm
8.8 x Single Leg Glute Bridge
10.10 x Side Lying Plate Raise


3 Rounds
10 x Deadball Good Morning RPE 7 (20X0)
30 Sec Rest
10 x Rower Hamstring Curls/Prone Banded Hamstring Curl RPE 7 (2110)
90 Sec Rest


For Time | 20 Min Cap

24/20/16 Cal Erg
40 x Dumbbell Burpee at 25/17.5/12.5kg
22/18/14 Cal Erg
30 x Dumbbell Reverse Lunge e/s
20/16/12 Cal Erg
20 x Dumbbell Push Press
200m Run
20 x Ground to Shoulder at 50/40/30kg
200m Run
30 x Sandbag Reverse Lunge e/s
200m Run
40 x Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
400m Run