Warm Up


5 minutes easy pace 65-70% MHR

Into: 2 Rounds

10 x Deadbugs 

10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch

10 x Knight to Hamstring Stretch 


3 Rounds

6 x Deadball Ground to Shoulder + 4 x Hang to Shoulder

15 x Kettlebell Single Arm Row 

20 x “V” Snaps

1 Min Rest 


Benchmark Session 3 

15 Minute Cap 

26/30 Calorie Bike/Ski/Row
12 x Deadball Hang to Shoulder @40/60kg
12 x Deadball Squats

200m Run

26/30 Calorie Bike/Ski/Row
9 x Deadball Hang to Shoulder
9 x Deadball Squats

200m Run 

26/30 Calorie Bike/Ski/Row
6 x Deadball Hang to Shoulder 
6 x Deadball Squats 

In remaining time, Max calories on Erg.