Warm Up


5 minutes easy pace 65-70% MHR

Into: 2 Rounds

10 x Deadbugs 

10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch

10 x Knight to Hamstring Stretch 


3 Rounds

A1) 12 x Kettlebell Swings 

A2) 12 x Weighted Goodmornings 

A3) 20 x Alternating V Up  

1 Min Rest


Every 2 Minutes Complete the Following: 

5 Rounds 

20 x Kettlebell Swings @32/24kg
15 x Kettlebell Goblet Squats 

3 Min Rest 

For Time: 10 Min Cap

2 Rounds 

40 x Kettlebell Swings
30 x Kettlebell Goblet Squats 

200m Run