3 Rounds | 8 Min Cap
7.7 x Knight to Hamstring
12.12 x Side Plank with Abduction (2020)
8 x Overhead Squat (2210)
3 Rounds
10 x Sandbag Squat RPE 8 (2020)
30 Sec Rest
12 x Prone Dumbbell Hamstring Curl RPE 8 (20X0)
30 Sec Hamstring Walkout RPE 7
90 Sec Rest
In Pairs | 6 Rounds (18 Min Cap)
E3MOM (Until 100/80 Cals)
8 x Deadball Reverse Lunge at 50/40/30
8 x Alternating Dumbbell Snatch at 22.5/15/10kg
8 x Air Squat
Remaining Time: Max Cal Erg
Individual Option: 3 Min On/1 Min Off (Until 80/60 Cals)