2 Rounds | 10 Min Cap
20 x Alternating Straight Leg Deadbugs
10.10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch
5 x Inchworms
3 Rounds
8 x Deadball Ground to Overhead
10 x Renegade Row
20 x Kettlebell Leg Raises + 20 Sec Hollow Hold
1 Min Rest
2 Rounds | 20 Mins Total
3 Min On, 2 Min Off
Block A
4 x Deadball Ground to Overhead
10 x Burpees Over Bag
4 x Deadball Ground to Overhead
200m Run
Remaining Time: Max Push Ups
Block B
6 x Deadball Squats
10 x Box Jump Overs
6 x Deadball Squats
200m Run
Remaining Time: Max V Ups