
5 Minutes Erg
1 Min Lower Back Roll
1 Min Quads Roll
1 Min Hamstring Roll
1 Min Glutes Roll

Into: 2 Rounds
10 x Side Plank Rotations
10 x Hand Release Pushup
10 x Pilar To Plank


3 Rounds 

A1) 6 x Single Arm Kettlebell Strict Press 

A2) 6 x Deficit Pushups (3 Second -) 

A3) 12 x Single Arm Behind Neck Banded Tricep Extensions 

60s Rest Between Sets


Every 2 Minutes Complete The Following..
4 Rounds

8 x Single Arm Kb Strict Press @16/24kg
16 x Hang Clean & Press
– AMRAP Burpee over Dumbells 

Rest 60sec Between Rounds 

4 Minutes Rest 

Every 2 Minutes Complete The Following..

250/300m Bike Erg
10 x Box Jump Overs
– AMRAP S/A Devils Press @15/22.5kg

Rest 60 Sec Between Rounds