5 Minutes Erg
1 Min Anterior Delt Smash
1 Min Lats Foam Roll
1 Min Lower Back Roll
1 Min Hamstrings Roll
1 Min Glutes Roll


Into: 2 Rounds
10 x Deadbugs (Alt. Limbs)
10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch
10 x Bird Dogs


3 Rounds 

A1) 6 x Deadball GTS 

A2) 12 x Kb Single Arm Row

A3) 30” Deadball Hold

60s Rest Between Sets



12 Minutes 

Every Minute Complete The Following..
Minute 1: 6 x Deadball GTS 35/55kg
Minute 2: 10 x Burpees 

3 Minutes Rest 

12 Minutes 

Every Minute Complete The Following…
10 x Deadball Reverse Lunges 35/55kg
10 x Box Jumps 20/24’