
5 Minutes Erg
1 Min Anterior Delt Smash
1 Min Lats Foam Roll
1 Min Lower Back Roll
1 Min Hamstrings Roll
1 Min Glutes Roll


Into: 2 Rounds
10 x Deadbugs (Alt. Limbs)
10 x Worlds Greatest Stretch
10 x Hamstring Squats


4 Sets

A1) 8 x S/A Db Hang Snatch

A2) 12 x KB Gorilla Row

A3) 40” Suitcase Hold 

60s Rest Between Sets



Every 2 Minutes, Complete The Following.. 

4 Rounds 

20 x Db Hang Snatch 15/22.5kg
10/12 cal Bike Erg
5 x Burpees 

30 Sec Rest 

3 Minutes Break 

Every 2 Minutes, Complete The Following…=

4 Rounds 

12 x Dbl DB Push Press @15/22.5
10/12 cal Ski/Row
10 x Wall Balls 14/20lb

30 Sec Rest