Warm Up
5 minutes easy pace 65-70% MHR
Into: 2 Rounds
10 x Squat Hold to Rotation
10 x Single Leg Glute Bridges
10 x Mountain Climber to Rotation
3 Rounds
12 x Deadball Squats
10 x Single Leg Dumbbell RDLs (2 sec pause)
10 x Glute Clams +10 Sec Iso Hold
1min rest between rounds
5 sets
- 12 x Dumbbell Squats @15/22.5kg
- 12 x Push Ups
Max Alternating “V” Snaps in remaining time
1 min rest between rounds
3 min rest
5 Sets
- 12 x Dumbbell Push Press @15/22.5kg
- 12 x Air Squats
Max Plank Hold in remaining time
1 min rest between rounds